In this video we can see that there are hundreds of cars backed up all the way from Conaree to Cayon.
Hundreds of people were more than an hour late to work, as well as students for their exams. Yet police say “5 to 10 minute delays” (see news story below).
We can only assume that either the High Command is unprofessionally unaware of what is actually going on, has tinted their own eyes, or simply adopted “Island Time” and consider 5-10 minutes to be the same as 90-120 minutes.
Here is a map to show how far back traffic was backed up.
We can also see their main preoccupation as they say it again – Tint! If we could only get all the tint then crime would be solved.
What was the result of this massive disruption to the morning commute? They caught ONE person without insurance.
And this car was allowed to drive freely for months without issue even after Labour was not in control. Why was this car which obviously is the ISIS of tinted cars ignored?